It’s snowing as I head out to the
Watchmaker’s Arms. It’s
that wet, slushy snow that you get in the liminal weeks between winter and
spring, the kind that disintegrates on contact and soaks my jacket and hair
whilst a cold wind whips around my ears. The prospect of a warm and cosy pub
has rarely seemed more appealing. The Watchmakers’ doors have only been open a
matter of minutes, but the first regular customer is already sitting down with
an early-afternoon pint and newspaper, and it’s not long until there’s a glass
Hammerpot’s Bottle Wreck Porter in my hand. It’s rich and warming with deep
liquorice flavours, and I’ve soon forgotten the grey, apocalyptic skies
This is East Sussex’s first and currently only micropub.
I’ve been in pubs that are physically smaller, but the micropub model is more about
taking a back-to-basics approach than necessarily setting up in a tiny premises.
It’s easy to define this in negative terms – “no television, no music, no
gaming machines” says Ali, one of four partners who own and run the pub – that
don’t make micropubs sound especially inviting or fun, and
there are those that find them a little exclusive. But think about the positive inversion of what
this all means – a social environment that both encourages the sharing of
tables and conversation, but also a peaceful place to relax with a book and a
pint if you prefer. And, of course, a focus on
beer which, bizarrely, is a subject many of Brighton and Hove’s
innumerable pubs don’t seem particularly interested in. “Beer is what brings
most people to us”, Ali says “a really nice pint of ale, served at the right
temperature, straight from the cask. And
they say it’s friendly, or they met someone they liked here and that brings
them back.”

Coincidence plays a large part in Ali and Ruth’s story. A former
teacher and teaching assistant respectively, they were both looking for a
change when an intriguing property came up on nearby Richardson Road, a small
community shopping street. “You know how you start looking at houses for sale
when you’re not really intending to buy one? I started looking at commercial
property online, and this place came up”, Ali explains. Despite having fallen
in love with Kent’s micropubs, it wasn’t the first thing to spring to mind – “I
thought maybe I could sell furniture.” As it turned out, Ruth and husband Rick
had already had the thought that the same property would make a great micropub
- “and that was it, that’s what started it.”
After a lot of time, effort and money, the seller pulled out.
But soon their current premises, a couple of hundred yards from Hove train
station, came up for sale. As with many micropubs, the building is an old shop.
With a visit to a local history archive, they discovered it had been a
watchmaker’s in 1889, giving the pub its name. “We were worried it might have
been a brothel or an undertakers”, says Ruth – “The Undertakers Arms!” They’ve
now been here a little over a year, celebrating their first birthday with a
weekend-long beer festival – when I visited, a steady stream of casks from the
likes of
360 and
Brighton Bier were rolling in in preparation.
There’s no bar here as such – more of a counter where you
place your order, which is then poured from gravity-dispensing stillage in a
separate room. Pump clips, wreaths of hops and regulars’ pewter tankards line
the walls, along with a tasteful collection of clocks to tie in with the watchmaking
theme. Alongside the beer, local cider and wine are served, but lager is
notably absent. I’m intrigued by this – even the most beer-focused pubs and
bars operate on the logic that you must serve at least one lager. “We do get
people come in and ask for it”, says Ali. “Quite often they’ll come in with a
friend who’s an ale drinker and very often we can find something they like.” “People
come in and say “do you do lager?” and we say no, and either they try something
or they go somewhere where they can get it”, says Ruth. “It’s a bit different
to go somewhere where it’s just real ale and real cider.” This is the important
point, I think. Should we really worry that lager drinkers (closed-minded lager
drinkers who won’t even consider trying
anything else, at that) might be excluded from micropubs when lager is
available absolutely everywhere else, and decent cask ale isn’t? I think not.

The micropub model offers a lot of freedom and, in the
Watchmaker’s case, very few challenges. Overheads are low, so financially
there’s less risk in staying small and doing things their own way. Getting
started even sounds painless – long waiting times notwithstanding. “The
micropubs in West Sussex seemed to have a lot of restrictions put on them from
what we know of them”, say Ruth, “like there’s no vertical drinking, so
everyone has to be sitting down. I don’t know why, because some of them are so
small, there’s not even any room to have a fight even if you wanted to! It was
as if they were making it difficult for them to open, whereas for us it was a
bit long winded but everything was fine.” In fact, they had their fans at the
council – “we had a lot of people there who said “oh I love real ale, that
sounds really cool!””, Ali says. Indeed, most of their restrictions are
self-imposed – “they couldn’t believe that we’d be closing at nine and only
sell real ale!” Ruth says.
As of a few months ago, the Watchmaker’s is also home to
BeerCraft, a small pilot brewery using their premises to brew beer for sale
here as well as other local pubs. “We’re really lucky because we’d have taken
his beer even if it was average, seeing as he’s here”, Ali says, “but it’s
really good!” “It just sells like hot cakes”, Ruth adds, “we put it on and it
just goes straight away. It’s a real talking point. People come in and ask
about his beer and want to know when it will be on. It’s good for us and good
for him, because he’s just starting out and he’s got somewhere to brew."
After a successful first year, they seem content to keep
doing what they do so well. “There are some very business-minded people who get
off the train and come in who ask us, “what are your plans to expand?””, Ali
says, “and we say, “nothing!” It will be nice if this carries on and does well
but we’re not building an empire.” Sometimes small is just perfect.